Are you in a relationship? Do you want to keep a happy relationship? Practise these 5 things 😊
DO SOMETHING! Have a happy Valentine’s day!
If you want to reignite the flame of your longstanding relationship, try out this 36-question quiz by Arthur Aron 😊 (a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley and research professor at Stony Brook University in New York)
The author says that these questions are most effective when two totally strange couples go through the list together.
Dr Aron says: „When you do things that are novel and challenging, or anything that’s a lot of sharing with your partner, that can create passionate love“
Before beginning the questions, one person should read the following out loud:
For each question, one of us reads it aloud. We should not skip any and all four of us should answer each question before we go on to the next. And we should take turns in who answers each question first.
The questions are in three sets. Allow about 15 minutes for each set. We should not rush through the questions, but each of us answer each question at a normal, conversational pace. We probably won’t get even close to doing all 12 questions in each set, and that’s perfectly OK.
When about 15 minutes is up, we finish answering the question we are on. Then we start with the first question in the second set. And so on.
When we are sure we all understand the procedure, and have selected who will keep track of the time, we start Set I.
Questions were originally written by Dr. Arthur Aron, Rich Slatcher and Keith Welker
600 000 slov ve slovníku, ale jen 100 z nich tvoří 50 % angličtiny
"Vážená paní Mirko, Na fakultě jsem se věnoval především didaktice a komunikaci. Jedna věc je nějaký obor znát a umět; druhá věc je "umět" to naučit ostatní! Proto obdivuji Váš "počin" - přehled 100 základních slovíček z "obávané" angličtiny. Všechno, co může ostatním pomoci v cestě za poznáním a věděním zaslouží velké uznání. A ve Vašem případě dokonce pomoc nezištná! Dovoluji si Vám proto poděkovat za mladší příslušníky mé rodiny a také za všechny zájemce o angličtinu, hlavně ty věčné začátečníky!"